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Get Your Financial Review - no strings27/1/2021 We’d all love to be financial wizards. At the start of every year we have great intentions, as financial promises are renewed all over Ireland. We say we’ll cut back on spending and that we’ll save like squirrels (honest). And the thing is, most of us can be great money managers – we just need the support and structure in place.
Whether you’re looking for advice on your Savings & Investments or advice on all of your finances there are a number of things you should take into account. Most importantly, remember, that the overall purpose is to benefit you and give you reassurance that your finances are on track to meet your goals or to help identify any gaps in your finances that you might like to start addressing During the Financial Review you will be asked for personal financial information, such as your income, your outgoings and expenses, details of any loans and details of any current pension provisions you have in place. This information is required so your Financial Adviser can build up a correct and complete picture of your current finances and make suitable and appropriate recommendations. While you do not have to provide any information, without it the Financial Adviser will not be able to get a full picture of your financial situation Information you should bring;
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